BY: ManoftheWest
- Hopelessly ignorant of the history, doctrines and practice of Islam, or
- A liar who intends you, your family and everyone you know harm.
“Islam is a religion of peace” – No, it’s not. The most cursory exercise of rational thought should be enough to bury this lie:
- With the possible exceptions of Mexico and North Korea, the most violent and dysfunctional countries in the world are all either Islamic or have a sizeable Muslim population.
- There are Islamic wars of aggression and terrorist campaigns going on right now in: Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Chad, Zanzibar, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Chechnya, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Xinjiang.
- Almost all terrorist groups in the world are explicitly Islamic. Nobody is being delayed for hours at airports, having their nail clippers and shampoo confiscated and then being felt-up by bored security personnel because militant Methodists have a tendency to hijack planes.
- In both war and terrorism (in Islam it’s all the same) Muslims clearly, plainly, explicitly and consistently explain and justify their actions with orthodox Islamic doctrine. Try naming any Christian counterpart.
- In all the current Islamic wars and terrorism, the victims are other Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Animists, Secular States and Atheists. The one thing that all these different conflicts have in common is Islam.
- Individuals, organisations and governments are afraid to debate or discuss the unsavoury nature of Islam because Muslims have shown time and time again that they will murder people who do. This is unarguable by any honest person. Further, the de facto implementation of sharia through “hate speech” laws in the suicidal West and the almost universal cowardice regarding speaking honestly about Islam for fear of being thought a “racist” or “islamophobe” or, at the least, “not nice” means very few people are ever exposed to rational, factual, evidence-based discussion of Islam.
- Look again at the list of countries where Muslims are waging war against anyone not Muslim or not sufficiently Muslim; that’s a lot of manpower. It’s, also, an awful lot of very different countries in which to find the same “tiny minority of extremists”.
- As stated above, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizballah, ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Palestine Liberation Front, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, etc, etc, (it’s a VERY long list), ALL state categorically that they are beheading, bombing, shooting, stabbing, raping, kidnapping and selling infidel children into sex-slavery for the greater glory of Allah and back it up with numerous scripturally and (in Islamic terms) theologically correct references from orthodox, mainstream Islam. They do not cite fringe, lunatic interpretations of Islamic teaching but the original sources – the Koran, Hadith (the sayings and doings of Mohammed) and the Sunna (the life of Mohammed).
- Lee Rigby’s cowardly murderers quoted directly from the Koran on camera no less than 22 times after hacking him to death and attempting to decapitate him to ‘explain’ and ‘justify’ their act; shortly after, the world renowned Islamic scholar and Koranic exegete, David Cameron, informed us piously that, “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act”
- Bearing that last point in mind, the Jihadists (those who actually do the beheading, bombing, etc) are following exactly the same teachings with exactly the same interpretations as the, so-called, “moderate Muslims”. So, the only difference between “moderate Muslims” and “a tiny minority of extremists” is the means they choose to employ, they both share the same end, i.e. total global conquest. The linked article below expands on this vitally important point:
- The vast majority of Westerners know absolutely nothing about Islam and yet come out with idiotic statements like the one above all the time. How many people who make these factually incorrect, vacuous, politically correct statements are even slightly familiar with the Koran (in more than one translation), The Hadith Qudsi, Hadith Sahih Bukhari, Sirat Rasul Allah and the Umdat al-Salik? Answer: Usually, none. What very few Westerners know or understand is that, unlike the Bible, the Koran is not organised chronologically; the chapters, Sura, are arranged from the longest to the shortest. It was written in two sections, the first written in Mecca, the “Meccaniya” when Mohammed had only a handful of followers and no real influence. It is in this section you will find most of the ‘peaceful’ verses of the Koran. Having said that, the famous and often quoted, “Let there be no compulsion in religion” 2:256, was written shortly after Mohammed arrived in Medina but before he had established his power-base.
- The second section of the Koran was written in Medina, the “Mediniya” when Mohammed had rapidly become a powerful military and political leader. This section contains almost all the violent verses outlining Islam’s permanent mission of divinely sanctioned global conquest and the subjugation of all non-believers worldwide.
- The key point about this dual nature of the Koran’s contents comes to light once you know about the doctrine of “Abrogation” (al-nāsikh wal-mansūkh). This doctrine is just one of many features that make Islam truly unique among world religions. Put simply, abrogation means that Allah can change his mind, issuing a command – through Mohammed, naturally – that, literally, is the exact opposite of a previous command. The “revelation” made later supersedes and abrogates the previous “revelation”…….forever.
- ALMOST ALL of the violent, supremacist verses in the Koran come after the Meccaniya and, thereby, abrogate them, forever, especially Sura 9 verse 5, known as “The verse of the Sword”, which is regarded by most Islamic scholars as either the last or next to last of all Allah’s “revelations” to Mohammed: "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."
To explain:“slay” means kill. “idolaters” means anyone not Muslim. “wherever you find them” means just that i.e. all non-Muslims everywhere. “take them captive” means kidnap and use as slaves. “lie in wait for them in every ambush” means to pre-emptively use sneak-attacks. “if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." means, “if they convert to Islam, let them go”. Throughout Islamic history this verse has been interpreted as an open-ended commission to conquer the whole world for Islam, it is still interpreted that way today and accepted as such by all schools of Islam, Sunni or Shia. And we can see this verse being obeyed to the letter by Muslims all over the world every single day. Because of the ‘jumbled-up’ assembly of the Koran, the violent and ‘tolerant’ verses are mixed together, leaving the average non-Muslim, with no knowledge of the Meccaniya, Mediniya or the doctrine of abrogation, unable to make any sense of it at all.“Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists who pervert the true, peaceful teachings of Islam; the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful” - No, it’s not. No, it hasn’t. No, they don’t and, no, they aren’t and, even if they were, it would be irrelevant:
Bearing in mind the point made earlier, the Jihadists (those who actually do the beheading, bombing, etc) are following exactly the same teachings with exactly the same interpretations as the, so-called, “moderate Muslims”. So, the only difference between “moderate Muslims” and “a tiny minority of extremists” is the means they choose to employ, they both share the same end, i.e. total global conquest. We can see that “peaceful” Muslims can only be one of three things:
There have been a very large number of polls taken of Muslim populations all over the world; the results are remarkably consistent. Averaged out across all countries, between 15% and 25% of Muslims actively support warfare and terrorism in the cause of Jihad. In officially Islamic countries, that figure is far higher. There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims, that means between 240 and 400 million Muslims actively approve of and support Jihad. 240 million is almost four times the population of the U.K., 400 million is greater than the total population of the U.S. Yes, that is a ‘minority’ of the world’s Muslims, but does that make you feel any safer? The German population at the start of WWII was around 80 million – the total population of the Axis Countries (Germany, Japan, Italy) was around 174 million in 1939.
- Muslims who choose (at present) to use non-violent means to achieve a position where violence will be successful later on the way to world conquest.
- Muslims who are ignorant of the basic teachings of Islam.
- Muslims who choose to ignore the basic teachings of Islam and are, therefore, no longer Muslims.
Just look at history; every totalitarian movement that has ever existed was propelled by “a tiny minority of extremists” and enabled by a vast “peaceful” majority:
- The Jacobins and the sans-culottes were a tiny minority; the vast majority of French were peaceful.
- The Nazis were a tiny minority; the vast majority of Germans were peaceful.
- The Bolsheviks were a tiny minority; the vast majority of Russians were peaceful.
- The Chinese Communists were a tiny minority; the vast majority of Chinese were peaceful.
- The Bushido military cultists were a tiny minority; the vast majority of Japanese were peaceful.
- The “vast majority of peaceful Muslims” are, at best, irrelevant and, at worst, the enablers of the, anything but, “tiny minority of extremists”.
The following video is an interesting exchange (it is in English but with French subtitles)
Three Excellent Books - highly recommended for those who truly want to understand Islam rather than just mindlessly soak up the ill-informed garbage put out by Cameron, Obama and indeed the Pope on the subject.
If you are serious about understanding Islam and the satanic hold that this false religion has over its adherents, the following books are "must reads": 1) Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross - this book is a must for anyone concerned about defending the Christian faith. Dr Geisler and his coauthor, a former Muslim, give a thoroughly comprehensive and lucid examinations of Islam; 2) Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad
- this book is written by Ali Dashti, a Muslim scholar and a former minister in the Iranian government. The book was considered so dangerous that it was smuggled out of Iran with orders for it to be published after his death; 3) Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
- This book is for those who prefer their whisky straight. Robert Spencer has raised "telling it like it is" to an art form.
Well said. The fact that it (allah) can change its mind shows that it is a false god.
ReplyDeleteThe only cure/ antidote for the heresy of islam is true /pure Catholicism.
Well said. The fact that it (allah) can change its mind shows that it is a false god.
ReplyDeleteThe only cure/ antidote for the heresy of islam is true /pure Catholicism.