
Monday 19 May 2014

A very sobering lecture on hell

A year ago, Quentin de la Bedoyere informed us via his blog that he did not believe in Hell.

I commented that, “… as Christ mentioned hell about ninety times, and Heaven only about twenty-seven times, it's such a pity you are not in a position to enlighten Our Lord with your theological insights - Is there no chance of putting Him on your blog's list of readers?.”

Quentin responded, “He is always free to join in but so far no sign.  If He did it might solve the mystery of why He never laughs or smiles.  Perhaps you have some ideas”.

It’s a mystery why modernist, whose central dogma appears to be that nothing is certain, are nonetheless quite certain about irrelevancies!  The gospels are about twenty minutes reading, but Christ lived for 33 years!  I'm sure that if I spent twenty minutes reading Quentin’s blog, there may be a few important dimensions of his life, not relevant to the articles, which were omitted - he might, for example, not mention his affection for his grandchildren.  Would that justify some bright spark 2,000 years from now, demanding to know why Quentin had no relationship with his grandchildren?

Nowhere do the gospels claim to be an exhaustive biography, as far as I'm aware.  Indeed, they do not even comprehensively cover the three years of Christ's public life.

For me hell as always seemed an ontological necessity.  If man is of his nature eternal, and if man has free will, it must be possible for man to die eternally estranged from God.  Are we really comfortable with the idea that Christ welcomed Hitler into eternity with the words, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”?

For a very sobering treatment of the doctrine of hell, click on the image below:


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